Family Day Care
Our Service Mission
Our Service Mission is to offer education and care for children that is inclusive, accessible, and responsive to the needs of families throughout the community and where every child will be supported to achieve their full potential.
Co-ordination Unit

Erin Witcombe
Nominated Supervisor, Child Development Officer, Educational and Playgroup Leader. Person to whom complaints can be addressed

Joanna Rideaux
Service Manager
Currently on Leave

Kaycee Orum
Child Development Officer, Administration
Acting service manager

Heather Polsen
Child Development Officer

Brooke Bonser
Finanical Officer, Administration
Educational Program
Educators program to build on individual children’s interests, knowledge, experience, strengths and background to guide their learning through play.
All educators are guided by the National Quality Framework which includes the Early Years Learning Framework – Being, Becoming and Belonging and My Time Our Place. For more information about the National Quality Framework go to:
Educators can include excursions in their planning to enhance and broaden children’s community links, sense of belonging and to develop social skills by interacting with other groups of children.

Mobile Playgroup
We provide a mobile playgroup for Educators, children and families registered with the service. Playgroups are held regularly throughout the valley and are facilitated by our Educational Leader.
Some playgroups are held in natural settings. These nature-based play opportunities give the children the time and space to engage in a sensory rich environment, enhancing children’s connection to the natural world and all that it has to offer.
Wellbeing Links
Playability –
Far South Coast Family Support –
Raising Children Network –
Bega Community Health –
Reconciliation Vision
Children’s connection to country and respect for culture is encouraged through meaningful experiences in nature, exploration and mentoring.
Children of all ages and abilities who attend our service have the right to an inclusive play experience where they can develop and learn together with others.
If your child has additional needs, staff and educators will work with you and your support services to help your child reach their full potential.

Child Protection
We are a Child Safe Organisation, following Office of the Children’s Guardian Standards to keep children safe from harm. Staff and educators are trained mandatory reporters. Bega Valley Family Day Care is committed to implementing the Child Safe Standards.
Guide to the Child Safe Standards
A parent and carer guide to choosing a safe place for children
Our policies are developed and reviewed in consultation with families, educators, and management.
Licensing and Complaints
Our Management Committee is licensed as an Approved Service Provider by the regulatory authority, NSW Department of Education.
Complaints about our service that cannot be addressed at service level should be addressed to NSW Department of Education:

National Quality Standards
Education and Care Services are assessed against seven quality areas of the National Quality Standard (NQS). This assessment contributes to an overall rating. The system is designed to promote continuous improvement in quality for each service.
For more information about the Education and Care Quality Ratings system:
Registered Charity
The hourly administration levy paid by families contributes to the cost of co-ordination unit services. We currently also receive financial support from the Australian Government through a competitive Community Child Care Fund grant.